InformativePrice.: 135 (108)
Price.: 135 (108)
Balance bike - two wheels
Two-wheeled balance bike with a retro look, brown saddle, and large beige wheels with visible spokes. The balance bike from Trybike is great for a child who needs to practice balance and develop a sense of their own body. A balance bike is a great introduction to the life of a young cyclist and often comes before a pedal bike for many children. This balance bike has a small platform for the feet, so when the bike is in motion and balance is found, it is easy to race ahead. The front wheel can be adjusted into two different heights, and the seat can be adjusted from 30 to 45 centimeters. This way, the balance bike can be adapted for a child between approximately two and six years old. The balance bike comes with stickers in various designs, allowing the child to choose the bike's appearance. Although the balance bike is intended for outdoor use, it should be stored indoors in a dry environment when not in use. If the child needs a three-wheeled balance bike, it is easy to convert the two-wheeled balance bike using the wheel set with additional wheels. Here, the balance bike is available in a dusty purple colour that has been developed together with Andemors Verden. Weighs 5,2 kilograms
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- Description
Two-wheeled balance bike with a retro look, brown saddle, and large beige wheels with visible spokes. The balance bike from Trybike is great for a child who needs to practice balance and develop a sense of their own body. A balance bike is a great introduction to the life of a young cyclist and often comes before a pedal bike for many children. This balance bike has a small platform for the feet, so when the bike is in motion and balance is found, it is easy to race ahead. The front wheel can be adjusted into two different heights, and the seat can be adjusted from 30 to 45 centimeters. This way, the balance bike can be adapted for a child between approximately two and six years old. The balance bike comes with stickers in various designs, allowing the child to choose the bike's appearance. Although the balance bike is intended for outdoor use, it should be stored indoors in a dry environment when not in use. If the child needs a three-wheeled balance bike, it is easy to convert the two-wheeled balance bike using the wheel set with additional wheels. Here, the balance bike is available in a dusty purple colour that has been developed together with Andemors Verden.
Weighs 5,2 kilograms
CE-marked / + 2 years
Colli 3 pieces
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